Getting the Jaw Expanded Without Surgery

You might not like the quality of your own life when you have a jaw which is not fully grown. In the situation, you will quickly want to jump to any treatment option that could expand your jaw; it doesn’t matter if it is a surgical treatment. But then, there are many people who go to the dentist to ask for anything less invasive in order to get their jaw fixed.

Good news is that advanced technologies have not allowed the dental and oral surgeons to treat severe dental problems without surgery. When it comes to expansion of jaw, one of the options that you can consider is FAGGA.

What is FAGGA?

Most of you would not have heard about the word FAGGA. It is relatively a new term in the field of dentistry and it stands for ‘Fixed Anterior Growth Guidance Appliance’. It is mainly a device which you need to wear if you want to expand your jaw.

The removable version of this device is known as RAGGA which stands for ‘Removable Anterior Growth Guidance Appliance’. This removable device is worn by the children who have underdeveloped jaws.

The device looks like a wired retainer. However, its main function is to expand the upper arch. This device is also referred to as bone growth appliance.

How does it work?

This device is attached to the back of your teeth. It means that you will not be able to remove this device. Its main function is to stimulate DNA in order to trigger the bone growth. This change in DNA also results in the growth of lower jaw in appropriate accordance with the growth of upper jaw.

Expansion of your jaw for the purpose of adjustment of crowded teeth is not the only purpose of this device. It also creates space for your tongue, moves your face in the forward direction in order to correct overall symmetry of your face, and opens the airway.


The shape of your upper jaw has a great impact on the position of your lower jaw. If your jaws are not properly aligned, you may start facing problems in the TMJ and the muscles connected to those joints. Good news is that FAGGA can effectively help you in proper alignment of your jaw. Even the problem of TMJ with certain severity can be resolved with the help of FAGGA.

How much time does it take for FAGGA to expand your jaw?

Generally, there are two phases involved in the treatment of jaw using FAGGA. In the first phase, FAGGA needs to be worn for at least 7 months so that the arch and airway could be expanded.

In the second phase, you are going to have to wear controlled arch braces for your teeth to be moved in the right direction. This second phase may be 18 months long.

All in all, you can get your problem of underdeveloped jaw and TMD resolved with the help of this device and that too without undergoing any oral or facial surgery.